Here are some early sample sketches of my project 2 book covers.  There are three different types of covers, typography, handmade, and designer's choice.  
Here, I have created some visual experiments by just drawing in different pens and markers on paper and then transferring them into Adobe.  
Here is my final typography book cover for Frankenstein.  The stacked letters really give depth and perspective to the book cover along with the matte green.
Next, I have the handmade cover that I made the visual experiments for.  I went with a much more fancy serif type on this cover.
Last but not least, and also my favorite is the designer's choice cover.  I wanted to make this cover simple but elegant.  I chose a bold styled font and expanded the letters individually so I could scale them up and down to size.  I also took the stacked look from the original typography design and tweaked it so the letters were not perfectly aligned on top of each other.
Project 2

Project 2
