photo illustration concept of Webb's images on a View-Master card
Last year for Black History Month, I went through my camera roll and posted relevant museum visits from the last five years on Twitter. As a mixed race artist, I was observing. February has an extra day in 2024 for leap year and I'd like to share a concept of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope images via a View-Master card photo illustration.  Charles Harrison was an industrial designer who revamped the 19th-century stereoscope to make it simpler to use and created this product. In a way, it was an immersive technology so easy that a child could understand how to make it work. This was another iconic red product design.

When I was in the Apple store the other day and saw the Vision Pro, I immediately thought about his design and wondered how it could be streamlined with future iterations. I also thought about the collaborations that I'd like to experience on the headset with incredible Webb space images.


