Code Red is a critical design project that challenges the painful complacency surrounding the pressing issue of gun violence in our schools. Through a three tier product packaging system for back-to-school supplies, we aim to create a rising sense of responsibility, surpassing the "thoughts and prayers" rhetoric that has echoed throughout our society.
In a society worn down by the tragedies surrounding us, we have developed this brand to outline a dangerous road we face. When companies begin to profit off fear and violence, we instill a new reality that accepts this violent plague as the new normal. Code Red aims to spark this dilemma within its audience and guide each person to their own decision. Do you accept this new normal?
What we do or not do carries a significant impact, extending to the choices we make in our leadership and the actions of those we elect. The shroud of professionalism and corporate interest should not compromise our children's lives. Instead, it is our collective duty to acknowledge this reality and shoulder the responsibility for our actions with a firm commitment to shaping a better future.
The logo should be a simple word mark constructed by exposing letterforms to the environment in which we preserve for our kids every year. This bullet riddled logo will introduce the audience to the overall design. To achieve this, heavyweight paper was brought to a gun range and shot with 9mm bullets. 
The Display type used for the Code Red logo is Interstate Bold. This typeface was chosen for its strong institutional visuals, traditionally used for highway signage. The supporting typeface was Neuzeit Grotesk, used for its similar geometric forms and a lighter contrast in weight.
Icons were sketched out on scratch paper and scanned in to create patterns for the packaging texture. This process was used to imitate school doodles and back-to-school campaign imagery.
Research on school shooting data from recent years was compiled into an infographic card to be revealed behind the 3D printed bulletproof plate. Similarly, images and descriptions of victims to school shootings should be revealed inside the packaging of hanging tag. 
Code Red

Code Red
