“Every Picture tells a story”
“His old eyes were tired. The wrinkles on his
hand asked, When will your work finish?”

“The spirit never ages. It stays forever young.”
“From the creatures in Kom Al-Dikka”
“Pipe Seller’ reading newspaper in his car”
“Freshly baked Bread that are just out from
the oven”
“Old enough to retire; young enough to enjoy it”
“We read to know we're not alone –Local
Barber shop”
“lettuce seller with his cart on Souq Al Medan”
-Al Anfushi
“Life is a spiritual pickle preserving the body from
Random pickle seller-Souq Al medan-Al Anfushi
"A true friend is for ever a friend." — George MacDonald.
Kom Al Dikka


Kom Al Dikka


Creative Fields