Raul Henaine's profile


TURBO Bicycles is a mexican enterprise specialized in the creation and selling of different bicycles products. The business started operation in the year 1986, in the city of San Luis Potosi, in the state of the same name, in Mexico.​​​​​​​
The brand is planning to internationalize its market. The number 1 option right now is the United States of America due to a series of factors: 

→ On the one hand, the proximity of Mexico to the USA, the Free Trade Agreement and the brand's production factories would allow the bicycles to be easily shipped to be sold in that market. On the other hand, the country has a large Mexican population and/or with Mexican roots, so there is a high probability that many of them will buy the brand out of nostalgia, good references or even national pride.​​​​​​​
The map above shows the distribution of Mexicans in each state of the USA. The more the color intensity, the more the concentration.
→ The U.S. also has many cities with a great cycling culture, both for everyday and recreational activities. It is important to note that many of the most "friendly" cities for cyclists are located in states with a high number of people with Mexican roots, such as Austin, Albuquerque, Tucson, or Sacramento, which are located in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, respectively.
Map and list of the top bicycles friendly cities in the USA. Many of these cities are located in states with a high latino concentration.
→ At the same time, these states have rugged terrain and mountain ranges that make them perfect for enduro cycling. In addition to this we can find a large number of parks and protected natural areas within these states, which are commonly frequented by cyclists.
Graph that shows the % of the population in the United States with Mexican ascendance.
To take the brand to the United States ideally we should apply a conservative marketing strategy in terms of costs but at the same time very effective. The use of digital media and platforms can be extremely useful for us and our goals. Influencers and brand ambassadors can be really helpful for this task.​​​​​​​
Example #1 of a collaboration with an influencer.
Example #1 of a collaboration with an influencer.
 addition to this (and if the budget allows it), it would be good to carry out later (in a period of 2 to 5 years after the brand is established) commercials and print ads aimed mainly at traditional media such as Television, Magazines or Spectaculars. These ads should mix elements of Mexican culture and make them unique, epic and very eye-catching.

Some examples of this could be:

→ A commercial or print ad showing a charro riding a bicycle with the phrase: "Every Charro needs a ride" with the brand's logo and slogan underneath.

 → A commercial or print ad showing a lady on a tamale tricycle winning a bicycle competition with the phrase: "Ride your own story" and below it the brand's logo and slogan.

→ A commercial or print ad showing a bicycle on an altar of the dead with the phrase: "Rollin' till the end" with the brand's logo and slogan underneath.

→ A girl with Latin features carrying cempasúchil flowers in a basket on a beautifully decorated bicycle in the middle of a city in the United States with the phrase: "Two wheels but a lot of colors" and the brand's logo and slogan underneath.

The United States is an extremely promising market for Turbo Bicycles because of the size of the market, the consumers in the market, and the cycling culture in that country. Despite the high competition the company may face there, its great product, excellent price, impeccable quality and the creative strategies outlined in this document will make the brand stand out almost immediately with the U.S. public. But also at the same time the brand must strengthen and adapt its marketing strategy to the U.S. public if it wants to gain market share. If Turbo Bicycles manages to appeal to the American market, it will be the first step for the brand to truly expand globally, as it could later reach the Canadian market and then the rest of the American continent with countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, etc.


