Raymond Obana's profile

weeping tulips branding project

Within this project, I'd like to focus on getting more proficient at Illustrator. Illustrator is a must-have skill when it comes to graphic design, as it creates lossless vectors perfect for logos. With it being my weak point, and one of my close friends starting her own band, I found it as a perfect opportunity to get practice in.

Another thing I tackled in this project is becoming more proficient in capturing vibes and aesthetics as a whole. When given a prompt, it's best to match the energy of it to make it fit together.


I started off by sketching a variety of tulip-esque shapes, following the same overlapping leaves pattern. I altered each one to be ever so slightly from the last, such as changing the shape of the tears, how many eyes they have, etc. Eventually, me and Addison landed on the current logo, a tulip looking upwards with a tear in their eye.

After making the logo, I figured that every band needs some form of merchandise. After many concepts using the original logo, I felt like something was off. I looked at other indie band products and noticed that they utilize alternate logo designs for their merchandise, differing from professional business. Larger bands, such as Radiohead, do the same. After making that connection, I decided to use a stroke pattern similar to chalk or paint to create a retro-esque design. This logo is used for merchandise and product matters.

weeping tulips branding project

weeping tulips branding project
