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"Arkie e la magia delle luci" Trailer titles design

Donato Di Vico x Ottoemezzo Movie Factory x Notorious Pictures

"Arkie e la magia delle luci" motion logo and titles
Graphic & Motion design

Notorious Pictures is a leading Italian film production and distribution company that has been captivating audiences since its inception in 2012. With a diverse portfolio of films spanning genres from comedies and dramas to thrillers and adventures, Notorious Pictures has established itself as a force to be reckoned with in the Italian and international film industry.

The Italian distribution of the film renamed the film to "Arkie and the magic of lights" (from the original "Scarygirl"), trying to lighten the 'dark' atmosphere to be better met by the younger Italian target audience.

How we did it
In order to meet the client's requirements, together with the Ottoemezzo movie factory team, we initially selected the most suitable font for the indicated target group. Then I designed an animated background that respected the atmosphere and visual language of the animated movie, onto which the animations of the various texts would then be integrated. I also animated the logotitle.

Motion design, Graphic design 
of titles and wallpaper
Donato Di Vico

Ottoemezzo Movie Factory

Thank you for getting this far :)

"Arkie e la magia delle luci" Trailer titles design

"Arkie e la magia delle luci" Trailer titles design


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