TIME: Nov.23
THEME: Warm spaces
TYPE: Architecture Competition - 2nd place
The term 'Warm Spaces' paints a picture in its linguistic essence
something sensual, embracing and intimate; qualities that are awakened in us a sense of belonging and a sense of home.

This intimate relationship we can form with architecture arises when we are surrounded by a materiality that in all its warmth and temporality relates to the whole
our sensory apparatus on a human scale.
It is precisely this material and sensuous warmth that is encapsulated in the design proposal AARCH-HUT, which speaks to a close-to-body scale in an honest construction, in order to create trust and security in the architecture.

AARCH-HUT seeks to fulfill AARCH's desire for more living spaces by creating spaces of intimacy, warmth and trust; inspired by the well-known and prepared with environmental and social sustainability in mind.
AARCH-HUT is designed based on the concept of 'Warm Spaces', by relating to keywords such as scale, materiality, trust and flexibility. It aims to unite the vision of a transparent and culture-rich learning environment, while at the same time creating intimacy to ensure social and environmental sustainability at AARCH.

In relation to the question of scale, AARCH-HUT seeks a close-to-the-body construction, consisting of 3 surfaces that all invite contact and interaction on a human scale; (1) A brick floor in movable modules, which in isolation is a plateau, known from the brick floors at AARCH - here as an element in the construction that creates an important weight and threshold. (2) Lightweight wall constructions that, like a piece of furniture, contain both framed softboards and shelf functions that invite students to consume them. (3) A simple roof structure that shields the view of upper floors and creates an enveloping space.
The entire construction is based on the trolley as a building element; an easily accessible and well-known wooden module used throughout the construction. The trolley acts as a sustainable starting point that helps both to support dimensions and aesthetic expression; it contributes to the human scale, and creates a common red thread in the material and the visual expression at AARCH.




Creative Fields