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Now Showing - A Movie Poster design project

Embark on an artistic voyage with "Now Showing," a personal odyssey of movie poster creation crafted for the love of learning and design. 

A standing ovation is due for the maestro of mentorship, Mr. Ton Ha Khuyen, whose guidance was the beacon that illuminated my path to completion. Dive into the depths below, where I invite you to explore the trio of visual symphonies I've composed. 

Each poster not only captures a story but also whispers the secrets of its making. 

Are you ready for the adventure?

The character Mizu’s hat is created by combining the rhythmic patterns of several semicircles with the shadows of the 4 main enemies - who are also the cause and ultimate purpose of the journey.

This film features an extensive character system, where each character has their own message and story. Therefore, I chose to represent this by merging multiple character images together based on the silhouette of the main character.


The subject is the main character of the movie, as he is also the one who spoils the ending in a segment of the song ‘City of Stars.’ The image of both standing on a planet amidst the night sky reflects that they once shared the dream of reaching the stars together. 
However, now that both have achieved their individual fame, he is left alone.

Utilizing the image of Van Gogh’s Starry Night painting, which was painted from his memory, parallels the last 9 minutes of the film where our two characters experience a segment that is both a reminiscence and full of imagination, a sequence titled ‘What if…?’, which does not exist but is only painted from a shattered dream

The staircase is a famous symbol in Parasite. On the staircase, there are black-and-white images representing details related to two families. The concept illustrates that greed and exploitation do not necessarily favor one side. Whether rich or poor, both families live parasitically off each other.

The rain is the indirect cause leading to both the climax and the greatest tragedy in the film. Both the staircase and the rain are constructed from Morse code - another intriguing detail in the movie 
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Now Showing - A Movie Poster design project


Now Showing - A Movie Poster design project
