This is a recent personal rebrand project that I have completed. I redesigned my monogram and branding in a style that more represents who I am as a designer and as a person.
New Monogram in a bright purple with a distinctive geometric style.
The main colour for my monogram is purple and I've chosen green and white as my accent colours as can be seen below in my Facebook and LinkedIn banners. A great feature of my new logo that I'm really proud and excited about is that it is tileable. 
I've repeated the tileable aspect in the new design of my business cards. 
I also used my new colour palette to create an icon set for use in my CV and in my professional templates for correspondence with clients.
Icon Set
Customer Profile Template
I redesigned my personal brand to reflect my bold personality and strong work ethic. I believe the strong design really represents this idea. 
CN Branding


CN Branding
