Liané Greeff's profile

04 Design for Development (own contributions)

04 Design for Development: Vivid Values (own contributions)

Brief Summary 

A digital, game-based initiative was planned for this project to illustrate the impactful nature of play as a means of fostering meaningful connections. Participants were organized into groups of three, each assigned a specific prompt. Tailored for children aged 6 to 8, this digital intervention sought to promote connections within family, friends, and/or the community.

Students were tasked with researching their target audience and utilising prototyping to understand the preferences and dislikes of children, enabling informed decisions for their digital intervention. The goal of this project was to instigate positive change in a local context, particularly focusing on civic responsibility and children's development through play and experiential learning.

Project Deliverables 

1. Process Document including: 
    - Initial research on topic 
    - Visual identity development
    - Game development and prototyping 
    - Rationale 
2. Digital intervention
3. Presentation  

Design strategy 

Vivid Values is an innovative arts and crafts adventure app that invites families to explore 11 essential family values through interactive activities. The app combines arts and crafts with digital engagement, bridging the virtual and real worlds and promoting children's development through sensory play.

Sensory play is central to the app, enhancing cognitive and motor skills, problem-solving, creativity, and language development. The app also integrates biblio play through the "Loadshedding Story Time" feature, fostering a love for reading and enhancing language skills. Mastery play is purposeful and guided, allowing children to refine their skills in specific tasks or concepts. Vivid Values serves as a meeting point, reuniting parents and children in shared moments of creativity, learning, and fun, paving the way for a future where families thrive, grounded in love, understanding, and the vibrant colours of their shared adventures.

Vivid Values Theme ​​​​​​​

This project contributes to societal well-being by bringing families together. The project is centered around creating a digital, game-based intervention that leverages the impactful nature of play to foster meaningful connections, with each group receiving a specific prompt. In our case, the assigned prompt was arts and crafts.

Process Work

Extensive research and development were essential for this project to fully understand the target audience, in order to achieve the best results. 
View our full process work document here

Our research 

Through our research, we've discovered a need for arts and crafts in children's lives. We've connected with our young users, creating a space where they can unleash their full arts and crafts potential. 

In dynamic play workshops, we've delved into classic childhood games, analysing how they ignited their spirits, what made them enjoy themselves, and how we can seamlessly integrate them into our arts and crafts prompts. We have integrated our research into the design of our app, with a specific focus on colour. 

Our mobile prototype 

Our iPad prototype

04 Design for Development (own contributions)


04 Design for Development (own contributions)
