Some rough designs and character experimentation for 'Ariel'.
Character Sheet for 'Ariel', our protagonist in 'Letting Go'. The puppet turned out quite different to the initial designs.
This is the first edit of 'Letting Go'. The green screen remains untouched.
This is all the footage we took, thrown into a video. No editing, no cutting. Just pure footage assimilated into video format.
Every piece of work needs a good storyboard. So, here is the animatic / storyboard for 'Letting Go'.
Our second-year stop-motion project. We had to create the concept and all necessary items ourselves.
The concept revolves around the topic of love, and how sometimes the bes thing to do about love, is to let it go.
The concept has been put into the story of a little girl who finds a star fish in a tide pool. She finds the star fish and wants to keep it. But keeping it, would probably mean the death of the star fish. Conflicted, the girl finally decides that it would be best for the star fish if she let it go.
Letting Go

Letting Go

This was our Varsity second-year stop-motion project. We had to create the characters, build and rig the characters and stage, do the stage light Read More
