Limbo Paper Dub
For this project I recreated the sounds from this clip of the game Limbo by Playdead.
Original sounds
These are the original sounds that were recorded using paper.
This was the sound used for the boulder rolling. I made it by crumpling up a sheet of paper and shifting it in my hands.
This was the sound of dust settling. To make it I droped a few small peices of crumpled paper on a tense sheet of paper.
This was the footstep sound. It was made by flicking a folded sheet of paper.
Eddited sounds
Here are the final sounds I eddited in Audacity, mostly by layering sounds and altering the pitch.
boulder rolling
I noteced in the clip I noteced that once the log started shifting the sound of the boulder got more intence so I layered up the boulder sound part of the way through.
dust settling
first footstep
second footstep
third footstep
fourth footstep
I split up the footsteps into seperate sounds so I could sync them with the clip.
This was the original sound I made for the impact of the boulder but I thought it sounded too sharp so I ended up recycling part of the rolling sound.
Final result
The last thing I did was take all the souds and match them to the clip in premiere pro.
Limbo paper dub

Limbo paper dub
