16th birthday
30,000 feet
air traffic
blind to the storm
electrical storm
"The poignancy of the photograph comes from looking back to a fleeting moment in a floating world."
how he became the sea
"In the night, the stormy night, she closed her eyes."
lights will guide you home
"You don't take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it."
"A thousand miles feels like a million years, like hundreds of postcards that say, 'I wish you were here.'"
"Never thought I'd live to see the day when everybody's words got in the way."
on top of the world
mario kart irl
sky sailing
storms will pass
the painter's pool
how to steal a soul
"I got nothing left inside my chest, but it's all alright."
"God, let your fire fall again. It's burning in my soul."
magnolia bluff
"Vincent Van Gogh used to eat yellow paint because he thought it would get the happiness inside him. Many people thought he was mad and stupid for doing so because the paint was toxic, never mind that it was obvious that eating paint couldn’t possibly have any direct correlation to one’s happiness, but I never saw that. If you were so unhappy that even the maddest ideas could possibly work, like painting the walls of your internal organs yellow, than you are going to do it. It’s really no different than falling in love or taking drugs. There is a greater risk of getting your heart broken or overdosing, but people still do it everyday because there was always that chance it could make things better. Everyone has their yellow paint." 
life through the lens
Conceptual Work

Conceptual Work

A sampling of my conceptual photography work. I love dreaming up scenes and bringing them to life with my camera and Photoshop.


Creative Fields