Angela Hernandez's profile

Uwi Na Tayo: Digital Poster Making Competition Entry

Uwi Na Tayo: Digital Poster Making Competition Entry

"Uwi Na Tayo" was my official entry in the UAPGA Cavite, KLIKHA - Digital Poster Making Competition, where it clinched the 1st prize. The competition's theme revolved around the official theme of World Architecture Day, which emphasized "Architecture for Resilient Communities." In response to this, I chose to delve into the theme of Filipino resiliency, particularly in the face of recurring typhoons, a topic that has been a focal point of discussion in recent years.

A home, a house, the most basic form of architecture. Throughout generations, thousands of Filipino families are deprived of this basic necessity. Yet Filipinos, known for their unwavering resilience, would find ways. With minimum knowledge of architecture, common Filipinos would build their homes through resourcefulness, fashioning homes from whatever materials are at hand. 

Each year, a series of typhoons strikes, causing devastation as the houses in the slums prove inadequate to withstand their force, resulting in the continuous loss of homes for the people affected. Then they build, and build, and build. Some may never recover. It’s admirable, really, to be able to rise from the ruins all over again, but when will this cycle cease? How can we foster resilient architecture that doesn't rely on the communities' resilience?

Note: The render style draws significant inspiration from the rendering technique employed in the illustration created by Greyspace Architecture Design Studio.

Uwi Na Tayo: Digital Poster Making Competition Entry

Uwi Na Tayo: Digital Poster Making Competition Entry
