Book Title: Dar Kamtar Az...
Designer: Mohsen
Publishers: ‌Bahar-e-sabz

For the esteemed publisher Bahar-e-Sabz, I had the distinct privilege of crafting a book cover that encapsulates the essence of its contents and the publisher's vision. Utilizing the intricate tools and capabilities of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign, I meticulously curated every element of the design, ensuring that each detail resonated with the intended audience and the core message of the book.
Over the years, my understanding of both aesthetic principles and technical know-how has deepened, enabling me to create a cover that is not just visually captivating, but also aligns seamlessly with the ethos of Bahar-e-Sabz. My aspiration was to craft a design that readers would find unforgettable, drawing them into the world within its pages even before they turned the first leaf.

I welcome you to explore the various stages of my design process, from conceptual sketches to the final layout, and would love to hear your feedback.

Your attention and interest today are the stepping stones to tomorrow's literary adventures—thank you for being a part of this journey."


Dar Kamtar Az...


Dar Kamtar Az...
