I am happy to show you my new study case.
mockup designed by Vectorium http://www.freepik.com
Character design
Age: 16-18 years. Thumbelina is quite clever. She was able to persuade the fish to help her, knows fairy tales by heart, which allowed her to stay with the mouse and not perish in the cold. However, she makes impulsive decisions. Height of 2.54 cm. Orphan, lived with a foster mother, origin unknown.  Destitute, Thumbelina has no means of support and cannot procure them herself. That's why she stays with the mouse after it announced its intention to marry Thumbelina to the mole. She is very grateful to the mouse for taking her in and only managed to escape at the last moment. Talent: What sets her apart from others is her sweet, unusual appearance and her caring nature towards those around her.
Final design
Thank you!




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