This is a personal vector comic project.
I worked on a script with a fictional customer in order to create a visual story that was supposed to be used as an advertisement for the product. I chose electronic watches for parents and children.
The main characters are dragons: the parent and the child. For the secondary character I've decided to change the ball from the script on the small creature that lives in the skull.
In the making process I decided to concentrate more on the scenes because I wanted to challenge myself with drawing environments and using ​​​​​​​different frames/angles. 
Below are some early stages of characters facial expressions, exploration of visual style and first version of frames.
Intonation of the comic is humorous, surreal, cute and cosy. 
It's expressed in cartoonish character design, bright plastic colors, symbolic emotions and rounded shapes. 
I drew huge inspiration from Korean cartoonish advertising with juicy colors and kawaii mascots.
The setting of the story is an alternative surreal world where magical creatures live in harmony with magic, nature and technology.
advertising comic


advertising comic
