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Hide and seek with Earth

Hide and seek with Earth
This is a work showing the scene of a boy hugging the Earth to escape from the garbage that is chasing him. The title phrase "hide and seek" here does not mean running away, or shirking responsibility when we are one of the people who contribute to the loss of green Earth. "Hiding" means wanting the Earth not to be invaded by garbage, and "seeking" means finding a way to fix environmental problems so that green can once again exist forever in our lives. We always want our lives to be better, the most necessary and easiest job to do is to be conscious of environmental protection, not throw garbage indiscriminately, and plant a lot of trees,... Thus, the Earth As the greener, cleaner, and more beautiful your life becomes, your life will also become better and better. "Oh green, the Earth needs you."
Please, protect the environment.
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Hide and seek with Earth

Hide and seek with Earth
