Mike Morrell's profile

Quills Coffee Infographic

This illustration was created for Quills Coffee, a coffee and tea company based in Liverpool. The infographic is to showcase their brewing processes and highlight the journey of making 'Quills Coffee' in a creative way. The variety of coffees are prepared using traditional methods such as Cafetieres, Drip brewing, a Chemex, and a Syphon. The image was used as a large banner to display at trade fairs and the images were used for other various branding, including social media.

A profile of the business owners, along with a hand-drawn version of their logo.
The creative customers that visit Quills Coffee.
The different types of coffee and tea brewing processes that Quills use.
Some of the drinks and food that they served.
A skeleton design of the image and how it could possibly be visualised. 
A banner for their social media profile, using the different objects in the illustration.
Quills Coffee Infographic


Quills Coffee Infographic
