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What are the Common Characteristics of a Drunk Driver?

What are the Common Characteristics of a Drunk Driver?

Driving drunk is not just dangerous, but it can also be deadly. If we truly want to stop drunk driving and save lives, we must first understand what a drunk driver looks like and how to spot them.

Moreover, if you have been injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver, it is essential that you speak to a DWI attorney to know about different ways to protect your rights. Also, you should not very randomly choose a lawyer to handle your case. Instead, go through the website of the lawyer thoroughly and understand their work history and success rate before you make a choice.
Anyway here are some of the common characteristics of a drunk driver that you should know.

Exhibiting difficulty staying in one lane and narrowly missing objects including other cars, street signs, curbs, and medians
If you witness this type of driving, you might need to consider that the driver is possibly drunk. This is especially true if the driver is weaving from lane to lane, passing other vehicles poorly, and narrowly missing objects, including other cars, street signs, curbs, and medians.

Weaving across multiple lanes or swerving
Driving that is demonstrated by continual weaving across multiple lanes or swerving is usually performed by a driver who is impaired and possibly drunk. When you see a driver weaving across several lanes at once or separate times or almost striking another vehicle on multiple occasions, it is possible that they are drunk.

Unpredictable braking
Fairly unpredictable braking is an indicator that the driver may be drunk and not in full control of their vehicle. This erratic driving is most often related to both speed and driving ability. You should be careful in a situation where you are behind a driver who exhibits unpredictable braking patterns because you may end up in a rear-end collision, if not handled properly.

Rapid acceleration
Another sign of drunk driving is rapid acceleration and the inability to come to a complete stop. Often drivers who believe they have lost control over their vehicle will attempt to increase their speed as a means of getting control back. This could be dangerous for other drivers and pedestrians.

Making wide turns into the improper lane
Another sign of drunk driving is a turn into the wrong lane. If you find yourself following a car that makes wide turns into the other lane and almost collides with another vehicle, then the driver of that car may be intoxicated.
What are the Common Characteristics of a Drunk Driver?

What are the Common Characteristics of a Drunk Driver?


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