Hand Study - Exploring Mastery, 2020
This piece was born from a dedicated hand exercise, a fundamental exploration in the realm of artistic anatomy.

Employing the nuances of manga drawing, I delved into line art and specialized effects, honing my skills with meticulous attention to detail.

This study holds profound significance as a testament to my ability to produce captivating artwork with minimal guidance, highlighting my quest for self-sufficiency in creative endeavors.

In the broader context of my creative journey, 2020 emerged as a year of experimentation, particularly amidst the challenges of lockdowns. This piece stands out as a cherished gem, encapsulating the essence of my artistic exploration during that period.

Crafted with colored pencils and ink pen, this piece reflects a blend of traditional tools, fostering a tactile connection with the creative process.

Rendered on A3-sized paper, measuring 29.7 x 42 cm, this study transcends conventional boundaries, inviting viewers into a realm of intricate detail and artistic mastery.
Hand Study

Hand Study
