Artist Statement

Not long ago I experienced being hypomanic or having a hypomanic episode. At this time, I was especially obsessed with online shopping, daily chores and “cute walks around the city”. My mood was generally happier and I was more motivated to do things. 

The intent of the images is best seen when looking at the series as a whole (see below). The bright colours demonstrate a heightened mood while the quirky composition and collage style add to this feeling as well. The unrealistic depictions of scale show off the importance I gave to certain places and objects over others. The unrealistic sizes might also allude to my “not so clear” thinking at the time. For example, the food is far bigger than the humans (in this case family members). 

The work is inspired by collage photography by artists such as Kareem Rizk. I’ve used quite basic raw-looking photographs of objects. I wanted the objects to be seen as they are in the everyday without any refinement. I have combined these objects with their backgrounds, paying close attention to photo angles and perspectives.
Early Concept

