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General Conference Gift Booklet

For my Typography class we had to choose a conference talk from the latest General Conference for The Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter-day Saints. I chose "Peacemakers Needed" by President Russell M Nelson from April 2023. 

My target audience is 35-50 year-old men. The process was starting with the type and figuring out which ones I wanted to use. I knew early on that I wanted to use Trade Gothic Next LT Pro in different weights for the title and pull-quotes. It took me a bit longer with the copy. I was thinking Baskerville MT Pro Regular would be what I would use but after doing different types and then printing my samples I found that I liked Stempel Garamond LT Pro in Roman as my body copy. It was just a bit more readable. 
This is the cover and first pages when you open the book.
Here is the full spread without the front cover and back cover.
Back cover
General Conference Gift Booklet

General Conference Gift Booklet
