-Site Map, User Flow, Wireframe
A site map is a visual representation of a website's structure and hierarchy. It serves as a blueprint or navigation guide for users. It outlines the main pages of a website and shows how they are interconnected.
For a design portfolio, the site map typically includes:
Home Page: The landing page of the portfolio website, providing an overview and introduction to your work.
About Us Page: Information about the designer, including background, skills, and experience.
Portfolio Page: Showcasing design projects with images, descriptions, and possibly case studies or testimonials.
Project Detail Page: Providing in-depth information about specific design projects.
Contact Me Page: Allowing visitors to get in touch with the designer.
User flow is the path users follow when navigating a website. For my design portfolio,
I created a flowchart to represent the user journey for the "About Me" page and "Portfolio Page" of my design portfolio. The flowchart will help guide the user through the page and provide a clear understanding of the structure of the content. The "About Me" and "Portfolio Page" are an essential part of any design portfolio as it provides an opportunity for the user to get to know the designer and their work. By including the flowchart, I am able to showcase my design skills and attention to detail, while also making the user experience more engaging and intuitive. The flowchart includes different elements such as the navigation menu, the different sections of the page, and the call-to-action buttons. In addition to the flowchart, I also conducted user testing to ensure that the page is user-friendly and easy to navigate. 

I went through the process of creating a comprehensive wireframe that details the design and layout of both the home page and portfolio page. The wireframe includes a variety of elements such as the header, footer, navigation bar, and different sections of the page. It took me considerable time and effort to create the wireframe, but I wanted to ensure that every aspect of the design was well thought-out and functional. I believe that having a solid wireframe in place will help us to implement the design more efficiently and allow us to make any necessary changes before we move on to the next phase of development.
My Portfolio


My Portfolio
