Exposure 2014 / Identity & Campaign

A team project involving Rachel Knight, Laura Prescott and Thea Betts. We were asked to pitch for the identity for 2014 Exposure: Massey University's College of Creative Arts' graduate exhibition. After carrying out user research, we found that studios placed a high value on potential employee's personalities and that students had no idea about how to approach creative proffessionals. We designed a multi-touchpoint experience that showcased the creative personalities in the CoCA graduating class, and created connections between the two, to encourage students and the industry to find their perfect fit before, during and after Exposure. 

This identity was then applied by Foundry Creative, and we acted as creative directors to keep it consistant with our original ideas.

Thanks to: Darien Fisher, Jono Nott, Kate Baxter, Pippa Auld, Nina McKenna, Michael Swinburn, Holly Craig, Brendan Knight, Nicole Macdonald and anyone else who let us use their stunning work for this project.
Also thanks to: Alice Ferner, Krissi Smith, Abbie Phillps, Brendan Knight, Roxy Huntington and Jadon McConnell for the use of their beautiful faces.  
Below is the collatoral, signage, web design and wayshowing that Foundry Creative produced using our identity style guide and direction. 
Web presence: College of Creative Arts website and student profiles
Social Media
Signage and wayshowing around the campus. 
Posters seen around Wellington central.
Exposure 2014 / Identity & Campaign