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"The Culture" book covers

This was quite an ambitious project from my 3rd year BA (Hons) Illustration final major project; speculative book-covers for Iain M.Banks’ ‘Culture’ series.
I wanted to keep a recurring (minimalist) theme throughout the works, departing from the typical science-fiction book cover for publishing.
Consider Phlebas
front cover
Consider Phlebas
back cover
The Player of Games
front cover
The Player of Games
back cover
Use of Weapons
Look to Windward
(sideway view)
Hydrogen Sonata
The Hydrogen Sonata hadn't been released when the project took place. I completed this recently, ahead of the first anniversary of Iain Banks' passing.
Intended for an "illustrated edition" of Matter
Intended for an "illustrated edition" of Matter
Intended for an "illustrated edition" of Matter
Intended for an "illustrated edition" of Matter
Intended for an "illustrated edition" of Matter
General Systems Vehicle
If the books were placed in order of publishing it would reveal this illustration of a Culture starship
GSV Surface
The most recent piece, not really part of the project.
"The Culture" book covers

"The Culture" book covers

A series of hypothetical book covers for Iain M. Banks "Culture" series of novels.
