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Nintendo Switch Game Box Redesign

Nintendo Switch Game Box Redesign
Video games are a huge part of our culture. There are amazing gateways to imagination and creativity. Video games allow us to explore worlds and escape reality for small moments. As amazing as these games are, their packaging is not sustainable. Many games, that you buy in the store, come in plastic cases to protect the disks or cartridges. To try and make a push towards more sustainable packaging, I decided to give the game cases a bit of a redesign.

I decided to tackle a packaging design I am comfortable with, Nintendo Switch Games. I own a lot and I many play video games produced by Nintendo. I specifically indulge in The Legend of Zelda series. My favorite game, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, quickly became the target of my redesign project.
Back Story
Thousands of Nintendo Switch Game Boxes are produced every year along side the game that is stored inside them. Although the plastic is recyclable, it is not sustainable. To counteract the plastic boxes, I decided to go back in Nintendo’s history.

The Nintendo Game Boy system was introduced in April of 1989. It was a very popular system in the fact that it was a portable video game console. Several of your favorite Nintendo titles could now be played on the go. The games were packaged in square paper boxes. Paper is a great material and can breakdown much easier than plastic.

Since the Nintendo Switch is the latest in portable consoles, why not pay homage to one of the greatest systems by working with what was already done well.
My target audience are the lovers of Nintendo products. I want the packaging to attract newer players while also bringing long time players and touch of nostalgia.
Current Design
My goals
-  Make a reusable and more sustainable packaging solution
-  Make the package attractive enough to draw the attention of new players and old player alike
-  Get people to “switch” from plastic to paper
Start a trend to bring paper game boxes back to the market
Paper game boxes can be unique and provide a more sustainable solution to our plastic issues
Design Aspects
Assets used from the official Nintendo licensed game box
Screenshots from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Final Product
Nintendo is the owner of The Legend of Zelda and all of its assets.
Assets used in this product are not all my own and have been used to make the product as accurate as possible.
Thank you for your time
Nintendo Switch Game Box Redesign

Nintendo Switch Game Box Redesign
