Wildlife NZ

The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of the issue addressed. Focus on educating the audience on the circumstance of our native birds being in the nationally critical and declined status caused by introduced predators. 

As the native birds are on the verge of declining and are nationally critical, to create hope for them in the future. Wildlife NZ focuses on influencing the attitude of the audiences and informing them through a campaign. The campaign portrays the circumstance of the native birds through striking images expressed with a duotone colour palette and messages. To reach a wide scope target audience which consists of young adults, the use of stickers and posters linking to a website is the highlight of the campaign. While the poster creates that first curiosity about the campaign, followed by the peeling of stickers creates more direct engagement and gives exposure to the campaign. The posters and stickers connect to the website page which informs further about the campaign. There is social media as a means to measure the success of the brand and to create exposure to the target audience. As a result, the campaign can become the talk of the town. Which fulfils the intention of creating that exposure and influencing the attitude of the audience. 

The Wildlife NZ campaign is a beginning to bring about the change needed for native birds. This is a small opportunity to save the future of native birds. The future of the native birds is now in the hands of our youth.

Thank you for viewing my project! :)

Wildlife NZ

Wildlife NZ

Wildlife NZ Raise Awareness Campaign
