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Sense and Sensibility Covers

Sense and Sensibility Covers

For this project I created three covers for the classic novel Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. One cover is purely typographic, the second is handmade (painted, with the addition of text in Photoshop), and the last was created using photoshop. Each is meant to convey themes present in the book.

I began the project as I always do: by brainstorming and sketching. Here are some of my sketches...
Sense and Sensibility is one of my favorite books. I tried to think of the central themes in a different way. The book is about a battle between sense and romantic sensibilities. One sister is reserved and logical while the other is impulsive and emotional. How could I convey those ideas visually? How could I show both the contrast and the balance between to ideas? How could I sum up the story in one 6x9 image?

After experimenting with many of these ideas, a few concepts piqued my interest: waves crashing on the shore, leaves falling from a tall tree, words arranged in neat rows or haphazardly, a vase of wildflowers and a handkerchief, and a back view of a sister vs a profile view. These were the concepts I chose to work with more.
After creating these images, it was time to choose which would be my final drafts. In the end, I had to let go of my first typography draft because it was not solely typography. Next, I chose the painting of leaves falling from a tree. I was enchanted by the idea of representing sense as a strong, stable tree and sensibility with beautiful leaves falling gracefully to the ground.
Finally, I chose the photoshopped image of wildflowers and a handkerchief. That was hard for me because I had spent a lot of time painting the other image in photoshop and I was very proud of my progress with digital painting. But the artwork was not what I'd like it to be and it didn't convey the themes of the book as well. 
The wildflowers, which Mr Wiloughby gave Marianne in the book represent the beauty and temporary nature of the reckless love the couple shared. The flowers appealed to Marianne's romantic sensibility but they did not last. The handkerchief was a gift from Edward to Eleanor, a sensible gift, which represents the stability and caring in their relationship. 

Now the moment you've been waiting for: 
Sense and Sensibility Covers

Sense and Sensibility Covers
