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"The Great Gatsby" Cover Books

3 cover books based on "The Great Gatsby"

Over the years, the famous and acclaimed novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby," continues to captivate the universal audience. I must confess that it is the same for me. That's why, in honor of this great novel, I designed three book covers based on the novel. These three covers are very different, yet they intend to portray the essence of the novel in a single image. The three cover books range from typographic style to hand-made and illustration. Below, you can enjoy these designs.

Typographic Approach
It is the elegance of the twenties that permeates the atmosphere of "The Great Gatsby". Style and quality are what define the characters in the novel. That's why in this cover book, typography plays an essential role, just like in the covers of old books. Gold and green are my conveyors of seriousness and luxury.
Illustration Approach 
What is a book but a gateway that transports you to imaginary worlds and serendipitous settings? What is illustration if not the conveyance of fantasy? This cover book, in particular, unveils a glimpse of the book's premise. Who is Gatsby?
Hand Made Assets Approach
In a digital world, the handmade becomes subversive, original, and even extraordinary. Just like this magnificent literary work. This cover book focuses on capturing the dynamism found within its pages and the adrenaline of its situations.
"The Great Gatsby" Cover Books

"The Great Gatsby" Cover Books
