Maya Shey's profile

Memory Space - Singapore Young Designer Award 2022

With the COVID-19 pandemic confining people to their homes and rising fears over environmental destruction, people who are confined within the restrictive measures of COVID-19 are seeking to be transported beyond their own four walls. Given the global situation, the desire for escapism is at an all-time high. It raises questions on whether we may ever be able to go back to the world's previous condition. Can we travel again? Can we relieve the vibrant and opulent social environments and spaces? Can we live in tranquil with nature and the world again? Therefore, homes should provide spaces to feed into people's imaginations. Spaces that are for unique experiences, reliving old memories, and creating new memories.

What if a home can reflect these desires and appetite for a change of scenery? Memory Space is an apartment that is designed to take the dwellers to a vibrant state of mind of fun and peaceful emotions. It is a home designed to both relive back the pre-pandemic feeling of freedom and explorations alongside creating new memories with their loved ones on how current tran- quilness and rejuvenation looks like within the confines of home. Memory Space uses whimsical forms, fun pleasant colors, and harmonic materials working together as an invitation to relax and meditate. It combines the sense of escapism with everyday feelings.

Inspired by the nuances of reliving old memories of travel, the design interprets sensory cues such as ocean waves, mists from the seaside, opulence of resorts and landmarks, into visual identities where whimsical waves and circular forms are depicted to create dreamscapes for the home. To further interpret these sensory, main design elements such as arch and portals, seamless curved carpentry, and mirrored ceilings are introduced. The aesthetics of the space utilize rich luxurious materials to further enhance the feeling of escapism. Intricate green marble, brass details, bronze stainless steel, and beautiful terrazzo stones are incorporated throughout the design. These materials are contrasted with the variety of green and blue hues, further enhancing the space's playful trait. Memory Space intends to capture the "infectious high-spirits" of traveling to new places in search of the ultimate relaxation. It is designed to transport the dwellers and illustrate them a chance to wonder and escape.

Memory Space - Singapore Young Designer Award 2022

Memory Space - Singapore Young Designer Award 2022
