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Deborah Hair Care | Logo | Brand Identity

Deborah | Organic Hair Care Products

When it comes to natural hair care products, let's dive into a concept called "Pure Essence." It's all about embracing the power of nature to nourish and enhance your hair naturally.
With the slogan "Unlock Your Hair's Natural Beauty," we want to emphasize the idea that by using natural ingredients, you can unleash the true potential of your hair. The logo will incorporate elements that represent nature, such as leaves or flowers, to convey a sense of freshness and purity. 
The color palette for the brand will revolve around earthy tones like green and terra cotta, evoking a connection to nature. We want to create a feeling of being grounded and connected to the environment.

We'll highlight the key benefits and features of each product, making it easy for customers to understand how they can achieve healthier and more vibrant hair. 
Overall, the concept of "Pure Essence" aims to provide a holistic approach to hair care, using natural ingredients that are gentle yet effective. It's all about embracing your hair's natural beauty and giving it the love and care it deserves.

Deborah Hair Care | Logo | Brand Identity


Deborah Hair Care | Logo | Brand Identity
