Erin Rinker's profile

Personal Tattoo Removal via Photoshop

Prior to painless Photoshop tattoo removal. Tattoo is from Saul Bass' illustrations for "Henri's Walk to Paris," written by Leonore Klein. Shoes by Marc Jacobs.
Wow! Who would have guessed I ever had a tattoo there?!
Giygas, Scalding Coffee Cup, fishing for birdies...
What took longer? Giygas or the removal?
Frank Sinatra, Earthbound, and the Great Gatsby... Dress by ModCloth.
Like it never even happened...
Yes... I do have all these tattoos. Honest-to-god embedded in my skin tattoos. With Photoshop anything is possible and completely painless!
Personal Tattoo Removal via Photoshop


Personal Tattoo Removal via Photoshop

Who needs painful, expensive tattoo remove when you've got the magic of Photoshop?
