Timber is an app to help change your climate change habits in every day life. To show that as an individual you can make a difference!
It's up to you to decide how long you want to take the Timber challenge for, just select a time, and start changing habits! The phones on the right is how the app will look on your device, you can scroll to see the rest of the environment.
The tree symbolises the progress you are making as an individual, as you add your habits, the tree will start to grow. Find the root that has the change habit bar in, tap type and enter and see your tree grow!
Care for your environment, if you see rubbish appear, drag it to the appropriate bin. Green for recycling, white for anything else! To show people in a fun and easy way what we can recycle and what we can't. 
Keep your environment hydrated, use the water droplet to water your grass!
Don't neglect! If you neglect your environment the grass begins to scorch and the rubbish will overflow.
Add your friends to your game! Search for your friends name, and their tree will show up in your forest!
Search for climate change events to take part in, enter them into your habit change bar to boost your trees gowth even more!
Zoom out of your screen to see your forests progress. The more friends you add, the bigger your forest. 
Personalise your map by typing in your home country, the map will then change to the map of your country.
TIMBER TWEET and post your progress on twitter!
Interactive advertisments to get whole communities changing their habits and adding to their community tree!


Timber: An app to help people change their everyday climate change habits. Showing that as an individual, you can make a difference!
