Legacy Foundry's profile

Primearg - Branding & Packaging design

About the brand:

Primearg, is a skincare brand specializing in products infused with Argan oil and other natural ingredients sourced from Morocco. The challenge was to craft an identity that distinguishes the brand in the crowded market. With a global target audience of women, thorough research was essential to encapsulate Primearg's distinctive attributes and values in the brand identity. This meticulous process ensured that the final design resonated effectively with the intended demographic.

More details below

Visual identity:

I crafted a visual identity that is clean and minimal, yet distinctly feminine – one that resonates with women seeking organic products for a better and effective skincare routine.

Logo design process: 

I designed a custom logotype using a serif font to evoke an elegant feel. The customization was carefully executed to convey the organic essence of the brand, incorporating unique details.

Color system: 

I curated a neutral and contrasted color palette inspired by Argan oil and the landscapes of the Souss region in Morocco, paying homage to the brand's roots while accentuating its natural essence.
Type system:

I implemented a modern and minimal type system, incorporating two typefaces: Calista, a contemporary and elegant serif typeface exuding sophistication and smoothness, paired with Avenir, a modern sans-serif typeface featuring multiple weights for use in body text. This combination adds a layer of contrast to the overall type system.

Brand tagline: 

I crafted a straightforward and concise tagline - 'Moroccanly Sourced' - to authentically reflect the brand's core purpose of sharing Moroccan culture. This narrative will be further conveyed through the use of fitting imagery and overall brand communication.

Packaging system:

In the packaging, simplicity was key. I incorporated a visual element inspired by the logotype, utilizing it to frame ingredient pictures. The objective of the label designs was to effectively communicate the product name and usage. Furthermore, the color system was expanded based on other ingredients, facilitating product differentiation through distinct colors.

Let's bring your brand to life!

Contact me via Email                                                                   inquire.asmae@gmail.com
LinkedIn                                                                      https://www.linkedin.com/in/asmae13/
Instagram                                                            https://www.instagram.com/esma.creative/

Primearg - Branding & Packaging design


Primearg - Branding & Packaging design
