Ori sprang from the fires long ago, when the world was young and Yoruba people were just starting to comprehend the power of the elements. Ori was unlike any other Orisha that had ever been seen; three hands, two heads, and the ability to simultaneously control numerous fires.

Frequently seen with one head being a man figure and the other being a female figure, Ori started to resemble the personification of duality and human consciousness as the flames danced and whirled around him.
Orisha Pantheon is a diverse group of gods that are honored in several traditional African religions, especially the Yoruba tradition. Each Orisha has an own personality, set of qualities, and offerings, representing a variety of natural elements, human experiences, and historical personalities. The Orisha Pantheon is firmly based in African mysticism and offers its adherents direction, safety, and healing. It is a complicated and interesting pantheon that never fails to display awe and respect among its devotees.
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Ori [Orisha]

Ori [Orisha]
