Reaching for the moon lady by Uyanda Sibiya

Reaching for the Moon Lady
Uyanda Sibiya (2022)
Xoli had always dreamed of reaching the lady on the moon. This ignited her passion for space and ultimately motivated her to pursue a career in engineering. Throughout her life, Xoli was surrounded by strong figures like her mother, grandmother, and the young boys she grew up playing with in her village. This upbringing helped shape her into a tough, resilient, and courageous black woman who has learned to thrive in a world where the odds are always against her. Xoli has never been afraid to set her sights high, but always in the back of her mind, she still wants to meet the lady on the moon.

Reaching for the moon lady by Uyanda Sibiya

Reaching for the moon lady by Uyanda Sibiya
