This project came about while we were deciding where to go for my buddy's bachelor weekend. Once it was decided that Baltimore was the location of choice, we had to come up with a concept for a t-shirt that we would all wear. Seeing as how it was August and an Orioles game was one the agenda for the weekend, I decided this would be the direction to go.
In a way to change up the simple Orioles logo, and customize it a little more for us, I went with the direction making the bird look like he's had a rough night. After a few sketches, the final concept included a 5 o'clock shadow, tongue sticking out, droopy eyes, and his hat backwards. 
The shirts came out beautifully. We definitely made an impression walking down the streets of Baltimore.
Drunk Oriole

Drunk Oriole

This project came about while we were deciding where to go for my buddy's bachelor weekend. Once it was decided that Baltimore was the location o Read More
