HAFIDZ MUSA's profile

Old Chinese Shamans Tribe

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There were many tribes and shamanic practices in ancient China, dating back to prehistoric times. Some of the earliest recorded shamanic practices in China come from the Shang Dynasty (1600 BCE-1046 BCE), where the royal court had shamans who communicated with the spirits to divine the future, heal the sick, and perform other rituals. One of the most well-known shamanic practices in ancient China was the Wu tradition. The Wus were shamans who were believed to have the ability to communicate with the spirits and access the spiritual realm. They were often called upon to perform divination, heal the sick, and communicate with ancestors. The Wu tradition was prevalent in the Zhou Dynasty (1046 BCE-256 BCE) and remained influential throughout Chinese history. Other shamanic practices in ancient China included the practice of fangshi, which involved the use of alchemy and herbal medicine to create elixirs and potions for immortality and spiritual transformation, and the practice of waidan, which focused on internal alchemy and meditation to achieve spiritual enlightenment.
Old Chinese Shamans Tribe


Old Chinese Shamans Tribe
