Jhulee Park's profile

Mrs Eaves Type Book

Mrs Eaves Type Specimen Book
Designed by Jhulee Park
March 10, 2023

Q: What was the goal of the project?
A: The main goal is creating a 20 page book showcasing the font, which is Mrs Eaves. 
    Also, showing off the beauty and feeling I felt, and creating a consistent quality of design 
    throughout the book.
Q:What were some of the thought processes?
A: As soon as I saw the font, I thought of elegance, gentleness, and that led me to choosing blue as 
    my main color. Also I chose to do an "old book" theme that has decorations on the edges which 
    gave me the idea for the cover.

Q: Were there any challenges in the design process?
A: One of the challenges were really in designing the pages. I didn't know what content I wanted to 
    put for a while, and I feel one of the pages could definitely be more developed in the future.

Thank you for reading!
Mrs Eaves Type Book


Mrs Eaves Type Book


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