For Cameron Boone’s short film Choosing Reality, I was invited to assist him in set decoration for the main character’s bedroom. In addition to set decoration, I also had the opportunity to design the opening titles and credits for the film, as well as the poster for the film. 
For the poster, I worked closely with Cameron early on in the script’s development to better understand the theme and tone of the film. The film deals with a young man going through various psychological and emotional trauma brought about through substance abuse and through the death of his mother. Hallucinations play a large part in the film, so for the poster I chose to feature a screenshot that depicts the main character shrouded in darkness. Shadows carry a lot of symbolism of the dark side of our personalities or a side of us that we don’t want others to see. The heavy shadows also provided a nice way to keep things minimal while still accurately conveying the tone of the film.

One-sheet poster used to promote the film.
The title cards and rolling credits were typeset in InDesign and placed into the 1080p Film & Video preset in Photoshop. The finished file was saved as a .psd, and placed into the final film using AfterEffects and Final Cut Pro by the film’s director Cameron Boone. 
Choosing Reality


Choosing Reality

Designs for Cameron Boone’s short film Choosing Reality.
