Mikenna Onorato's profile

Time Management Psychedelic Posters

Time Management Psychedelic Posters
These posters were made for a project in my Graphic Design 101 class. First, we researched a movement in graphic design and pulled inspiration from some of the work. I chose the Psychedelic Movement as I loved the eclectic and over the top vibe every poster had. I was also heavily inspired by the color schemes and the movement of the type. 
After our design research, we chose a conflict that college students experience on a daily basis. I chose Time Management, as that is something that truly every college student struggles with (including me). I then furthered my research by finding resources available to students to help them combat the issue. I found a website with articles and lecture information on how to improve your time management and included the qr code for the website in my poster. 
My first two rough drafts (next two below) were directly inspired by Victor Moscoso's work. I really loved his color schemes and use of large main figures.
My final draft's main figure is the White Rabbit. His character is known for his signature line, "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" I'm sure we can all relate to that. I also chose him because I've always thought that Alice in Wonderland had a sort of psychedelic vibe to it.

Time Management Psychedelic Posters

Time Management Psychedelic Posters
