What a "good wave" couple!

Carla and Pedro are really cool, those people we want to be with, who have good energy.

They came to me through a wedding we had in 2019, from another couple of the same "species", Juliana and Paulo.

No, they are not the same couples, but they have something in common, the way of being and dealing with others, top!

Today I'm going to tell the story backwards, I'm going to start with the wedding and then with their story :)

The wedding day was excellent and the party started early in the morning.

We went to the hairdresser with Pedro and even went for a drink before going home (coffee, in my case)

In a super relaxed and non-formal environment, at home I asked Pedro to get ready in a place I knew he would like, the garage.

Why? There was his other girl, Zundapp.

In the meantime, and because they are preparing in the same house, theirs, we were taking pictures with Carla too, but not in the garage.

Of course, there was a moment when they almost saw each other, but they didn't.

They didn't see them, but we saw them, they always give different and unique pictures of these moments.

In the Church it was beautiful, emotional, real, a simple but beautiful ceremony.

After that, we went to the party at Quinta de Alvre.

Party atmosphere, lots of conversation, lots of conviviality, very much their way.

On a very hot day but with the sun escaping early, we were forced to kidnap the bride and groom for 10 minutes to take some pictures.

And what photographs! I loved!

After that we entered the hall, the conversation continued, food and drink were added, and later, dancing.

A dance opening as it should be, being continued with everything and everyone, good music, feet and hands in the air, great spirit.

The cutting of the cake is always a symbolic end of the day and this one was really, really good.

And now that we're on the subject of the day, let's talk about how they got here.

The story began many years ago, from school days.

They exchanged messages but never happened to have met, but fate took care of that.

On a walk through Norteshopping, they happened to pass each other, and this served as a motto for them to start living together more.

The first kiss was in 2006, in Parque da Lavandeira, a kiss that symbolized the beginning of their relationship.

"Kissed, it has to be dating" :)

Parque da Lavandeira, as you can see, is part of their history, which is why we held the engagement photoshoot there.

The marriage proposal came... 15 years later! But more than in time!

It was at home, at a romantic dinner, the perfect setting for that.

And so it was that these two took another step on the path of their lives.

Don't change that way of being and don't stop being surrounded by who you are, that way life is well lived.

Finally, and to show the world, I leave you with some pictures of the wedding.

See you soon...

"Enjoy the journey"
Wedding in Portugal

Wedding in Portugal


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