I'm privileged! Being chosen to do Filipa and Tiago's wedding is just that, a privilege!

A brutal couple, very much on my wavelength, very good people and with whom I enjoy being, how good it is to be with them at a time like this.

My "August Bride", Filipa's words :)

Just a few months ago we were together, at Catarina and Daniel's wedding, and today we were together again.

But today was different, today was their day, a day that was excellent.

Ah, of course we were together on another occasion, in the singles session, which I loved the result of!

But let's get to their story, the path that led them to marriage.

At the time they met and started talking, they worked at the same mall, but neither of them knew it.

The tip for starting conversations was a post that Filipa made with a cheesecake.

Tiago told him that it was his favorite dessert and that nobody made one as good as his mother.

In "Porto style" terms, Tiago was an artist, as Filipa later discovered.

It wasn't even his favorite dessert, nor did his mom make it :)

But the important thing is that it started the conversations and meetings.

The first meeting was in Maia, in a cafe where they went for breakfast.

Conversation after conversation, breakfast went on all morning and they didn't even notice.

It was on a rainy day and, because she didn't park close by, Filipa got wet.... that's part of it :)

The first kiss was on the way out of the mall, Filipa didn't expect Tiago to be there, but he was.

In December 2018, at a dinner at Tiago's house, they started dating.

The marriage proposal appeared 2 years later, in a well-made scenario.

Without any suspicion on Filipa's part, Tiago recreated the first meeting.

After a brunch for two, Tiago presented Filipa with a book.

But it wasn't just any book, it was a book that portrayed their story, from the day they met.

Near the end of the book, Filipa looked to the side and saw Tiago, kneeling on the floor and ring in his hand.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes", was the reply!

Oh, and as a bonus, parents, grandparents and best friends were there.

Now, for me, I know Filipa well: I would love to have been able to watch that moment.

First, because it's beautiful and I love beautiful stories.

Second, Filipa is a super expressive Woman and, with all the certainty in the world, that was even more so :)

For Tiago, although it doesn't surprise me, I loved knowing about this part of the book, really good!

And all this has brought us to this beautiful August day, in the beautiful Quinta O Campo.

An emotional day, with a lot of partying, some fools (and fools) in between and a lot of life, a lot of life.

At home, whether in it or in it, there were party environments, animation and joy, of course, with no lack of emotional moments.

The ceremony was beautiful and felt, close to them were the important ones, those who, for them, count!

There was nothing missing, friends, family, football kids and rice, lots of rice to throw at the bride and groom.

On Thursday it was the continuation of the party, in their own way.

We had everything...

The groom flying, the bride playing, dancing, love and emotion, everything you want for a day like this one.

I had made a kind of bet with Tiago, he doubted it but accepted the challenge.
After the engagement photoshoot, which was brutal on a photo level, I had to get over it for the day.

I won't say who won the bet, but I leave the wedding photographs, it's easier to show than talk.

Before that, I reinforce here the beginning of this text:

I loved getting to know this couple, really nice people, the kind that stay for life!

There's always something left to say about them, but that's more personal and they know how I feel about them, I've already told them I've made them feel that way.

See you soon...

"Enjoy the journey"
Wedding in Portugal

Wedding in Portugal


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