Nerisha Harilal's profile

Resources In Action

Resources In Action
The ACEL Resources in Action series, is a suite of e-publications, in a mix of different categories, aimed at educators, to be used as a practical resource in their work. Originally produced externally, in 2017 creation of these was brought in house. I was then responsible for the production and online delivery from 2017 - 2021. 
2017 - 2018 Issues 
Towards the end of 2017, ACEL's e-publications was renamed to 'Resources In Action'. The idea was to ease people into it, by very closely matching the style of it to the previous e-publications range. 
2019 - 2021 Issues
In 2019 the design of the publications was completely revamped. The aim was to make it look more clean cut and modern. To do this I made various changes, such as selecting a new copy font, condensing the header graphic and making the images bleed of the page. In addition to the PDF articles, we also introduced an online article page for all issues. 
Resources In Action

Resources In Action


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