Matvey Minaev's profile

Medical Website Design

The GofiCure project was a comprehensive project that involved creating a website, filling it with graphic design, and developing a brand identity. The owners of the company approached us with the goal of creating a website that would allow people to contact medical professionals for consultations and treatments.
We began the project by understanding the ideas and information that the owners wanted to showcase on the website. This involved systemizing their thoughts and getting a clear understanding of the type of website they wanted. To better understand their requirements and expectations, we showcased a number of design approaches and discussed the options available. This allowed us to create a design system that best suited their needs and effectively conveyed their message to their target audience.
Next, we started designing the various pages of the website, including the main page, the category page, the menu, search page, how it works page, and many others. We created category pages that included information about symptoms and cases of illnesses, and pop-ups and systematic pages that allowed people to easily order a treatment.
In addition to the website, we also delivered a full design system, including fonts, callers, and icons that helped us convey a playful and positive environment. This design language helped to create a welcoming and helpful atmosphere on the website.
The website was developed within a couple of months and has been working successfully for several years. The client was very satisfied with the results and continued to work with us on other projects for many months. This project demonstrated our ability to create a comprehensive website and brand identity, and our commitment to delivering high-quality work for our clients.
Matt has been exceptional. If there was anything above 5 stars, I would rate him that. He is very patient when it comes to giving shape to a customer's vision. Available almost anytime you send him a message whether it is day or middle of the night. He understood our requirements quickly and kept working on it until we were thoroughly satisfied.
Medical Website Design


Medical Website Design
