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Doc Marten's - Shoe Packaging

The memories you make in your Doc’s are worth keeping, sharing and passing down.
This suitcase was designed with your memories in mind and was built to carry them with you on your journey.
Docs aren’t just another pair of boots; they are an extension of your personality and a companion, supporting you and your feet through your life’s travels. They are made so well that they often get handed down to the next generation. 
Inside the suitcase is a journal. This journal is there to record your memories, doodle and share your life, in hopes that the next generation will do the same. 
We re-upholstered a battered, old-school school suitcase and replaced the original stitching with yellow stitching synonymous with the Doc Martens brand. On the lid of the suitcase there is gold lettering which reads “D.M”, subtly signifying Doc Martens without emblazoning the logo all over the front. 
The tags are simple and elegant, featuring a line drawing of a pair of Docs and all the essential information such as the size, colour and style.
On the tag we also featured the line “The shoes that create memories – to keep, share and pass down” which alludes to our concept without giving it away too quickly. 
When you open the suitcase there is a book held up by elastic on the inside of the lid. The cover reads “A story about taking chances, making mistakes and getting messy”.  
Around the book there is a belly band which explains the suitcase concept a bit more. It reads:
“This suitcase was designed with your memories in mind and was built to carry them with you on your journey. Docs aren’t just another pair of boots; they are an extension of your personality and a companion, supporting you and your feet through your life’s travels. They are made so well that they often get handed down to the next generation.”
On the inside of the suitcase, there are a few stickers at the bottom, we went with a 90's sticker theme, with completely random things ie hotdogs, rainbows & ice-creams. The only branding on the whole packaging is the Doc Martens sticker which reveals their logo. This contributed to our subtlety of the brands identity until it is revealed at the end.
This book is a visual journal that our customers can fill with memories, aspirations and plans from the period where Docs were part of their everyday lives. We have designed a few pages with rough prompts that people can use as inspiration on how to use their journal. 
On the inside of the visual journal there is a synopsis of the Docs history which reads:
“Mavericks, freethinkers and inventors, Klaus Maertens and Herbert Funke came up with the idea for Doc 
Martens back in 1947. They originated as workmen’s boots and have evolved to be a starring role of all notable youth subcultures- from the skinheads to the flower children. These groups all have one thing in common; the primal urge to be different, expressive, freethinking and rebellious. This generation is stepping into a future of 
their own making and they choose to do it in a pair of Doc Martens”
Doc Marten's - Shoe Packaging

Doc Marten's - Shoe Packaging

The memories you make in your Doc’s are worth keeping, sharing and passing down.
