When the bride and groom have a good look, a good atmosphere, are good people and choose the right places, everything had to be the way it was!

Starting with the bride and groom: Great!

Brutal people, super cool, with excellent conversation and good looks, they were definitely made to be together!

And what a great pleasure it was to be able to immortalize some of the best moments of their lives.

But let's get to their story, how they got to this day.

The year 2010 rolled around, going out with friends, going to bars and exchanging glances.

It was like this, in an exchange of glances that interest awoke and they met.
Conversations, going out and coffees, inevitably, came the first kiss, a few months later.

That kiss and the beginning of their relationship intertwine and thus another small step in history was made.

The marriage proposal came almost 10 years later, at a romantic candlelit dinner.

It was something they both wanted, it was something they had to be, the universe designed it for them.

And so we come to the wedding day.

Marco always said that when it came to the wedding, he had to go there in a lamborghini. And it was!

They were married at the Monastery of S. Bento, in Santo Tirso.

The party was at Quinta do Rio, the best choice!

The sun was our friend and gave us light for beautiful and unique photographs.

The atmosphere was just like them, young people, good vibes and full of energy.

Lots of animation, dedicated dances, a well-done dance for the bride and groom and a beautiful cake cut to end beautifully.

What a great day!

Memories of a day, but that stay for life!

Before I even finished, I couldn't help but remember the fantastic singles session we had, shortly before the wedding, I loved it!

“Enjoy the journey”

See you soon...
Wedding in Portugal

Wedding in Portugal


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