Divyesh Kumbhani's profile

CAT Entrance Test | newspaper ad | upGrad

CAT Entrance Test | Newspaper Ad
1. "My CAT score is not good enough to get into the Top 25 premier B-schools in India; however, I don't want to waste another year preparing for CAT, as I am not sure if I will be able to crack it. So, I'll quit my job now and pursue an MBA from any B-school that corresponds to my CAT score"
2. I am able to do an online MBA from NMIMS or WeSchool or a local institution at INR 1 to 1.5 lakhs. Why should I pay more for an MBA from upGrad?"

We used tangible numbers to prove the financial investment required for an offline MBA and an online MBA. Numbers clearly showed the heavy investment of studying offline and the great returns brought by pursuing an MBA online. 

CAT Entrance Test | newspaper ad | upGrad

CAT Entrance Test | newspaper ad | upGrad
